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The Red Dzambhala is a patron for the improvement of one’s worldly affinities (relationships), increase of benefactors, fortune in abundance, family achieving prosperity.

The White Dzambhala is a patron for wisdom, quelling disasters, elimination of poverty, accumulation of wealth.

The Black Dzambhala is a patron for commanding authority, eradicating grudges and grievances, subjugating demonic influences, preventing loss of wealth.

The Green Dzambhala is a patron for good health, purification of ill fate, attainment of virtue and wisdom, clearing negative affinities (relationships).

Nagaraja (Dragon King) Treasure Vase – Maintains the stability of a nation, promotes favourable weather, eliminates pandemics and plagues, increases one’s merits and blessings, frees one’s life from obstacles, receives protection and blessing from the Dharmapalas.
Nagaraja Buddha Treasure Vase – Promotes a harmonious society, national economic growth , purification of global environment, elimination of karmic debts, freedom from diseases, growth of wisdom, increase of beauty and grace.

Green Tara Treasure Vase – Eliminates demonic influences, provides safety and protection, fulfilment of virtue and merits, eliminates conflicts, increases wisdom and promotes longevity.

White Tara Treasure Vase – Eliminates all misfortune, pandemic and sickness, enhances positivity and optimism, healthy and stronger body and mind, promotes youthfulness, longevity and wisdom.

Manjusri Treasure Vase – Promotes eradication of ignorance and frustrations, attainment of happiness; increase of wisdom, academic success, business success and career advancement.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Treasure Vase – Optimises home energy field, frees the house of evil spirits, ensures a safe journey, boundless offspring and descendants, wealth accumulation and protection, and ensures wealth runs in the family.

Treasure Vases

SGD 450.00

The Five Dzambhala Treasure Vases – promote wealth and longevity, improve affinity, articulation and eloquence, healthy physique, fulfilment of wishes, swift spiritual attainments.

The Yellow Dzambhala is a patron of wealth, accumulation of virtue and merits, achieving wisdom, attainment of longevity towards one’s life.

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The Red Dzambhala is a patron for the improvement of one’s worldly affinities (relationships), increase of benefactors, fortune in abundance, family achieving prosperity.

The White Dzambhala is a patron for wisdom, quelling disasters, elimination of poverty, accumulation of wealth.

The Black Dzambhala is a patron for commanding authority, eradicating grudges and grievances, subjugating demonic influences, preventing loss of wealth.

The Green Dzambhala is a patron for good health, purification of ill fate, attainment of virtue and wisdom, clearing negative affinities (relationships).

Nagaraja (Dragon King) Treasure Vase – Maintains the stability of a nation, promotes favourable weather, eliminates pandemics and plagues, increases one’s merits and blessings, frees one’s life from obstacles, receives protection and blessing from the Dharmapalas.
Nagaraja Buddha Treasure Vase – Promotes a harmonious society, national economic growth , purification of global environment, elimination of karmic debts, freedom from diseases, growth of wisdom, increase of beauty and grace.

Green Tara Treasure Vase – Eliminates demonic influences, provides safety and protection, fulfilment of virtue and merits, eliminates conflicts, increases wisdom and promotes longevity.

White Tara Treasure Vase – Eliminates all misfortune, pandemic and sickness, enhances positivity and optimism, healthy and stronger body and mind, promotes youthfulness, longevity and wisdom.

Manjusri Treasure Vase – Promotes eradication of ignorance and frustrations, attainment of happiness; increase of wisdom, academic success, business success and career advancement.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Treasure Vase – Optimises home energy field, frees the house of evil spirits, ensures a safe journey, boundless offspring and descendants, wealth accumulation and protection, and ensures wealth runs in the family.