Wellness Retreats

Discover the Power of Dragon Meridians: Wellness Retreats at Sacred Energy Spots

Embark on a Journey of Transformation

The Dragon Meridians: A Gateway to Vitality

What Are Dragon Meridians?

The term “Dragon Meridian” resonates deeply with the rich cultural heritage of East Asia. Imagine undulating mountain ranges, where the soil is akin to the Dragon’s flesh, the stone represents its bones, and the vegetation forms its hair. These powerful energy pathways crisscross the globe, connecting us to the ancient wisdom of our ancestors.

The Nine Majestic Dragons
Our retreats focus on nine major Dragon Meridians, each originating from the Himalayas and extending into different directions:

  1. Central Dragon Meridian (Qinghai-Tibet Plateau): The heart of Dragon energy, where the pulse of life emanates. Here, you’ll find clarity, balance, and a deep connection to the Earth.
  2. Eastern Dragon: From the Kunlun Mountains, this meridian flows between the Yellow River and Yangtze River, carrying the essence of growth and renewal. Its orb extends to Japan, inviting you to embrace new beginnings.
  3. South-Eastern Dragon: Journey along the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau towards Hong Kong and Taiwan. This meridian ignites prosperity, passion, and transformation.
  4. Southern Dragon: From Nepal to Thailand and Malaysia, this Dragon Meridian infuses you with vitality and resilience. Its orb reaches Singapore, where abundance and prosperity await.
  5. South-Western Dragon: Traverse from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to Egypt. Here, you’ll find grounding and stability, like the ancient pyramids that rise from the desert sands.
  6. Western Dragon: Follow the energy from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the majestic Alps and Greece. Experience inspiration, artistry, and harmonious living.
  7. North-Western Dragon: From the Plateau to the United Kingdom, this meridian bridges cultures and fosters wisdom. Connect with ancestral knowledge and inner strength.
  8. Northern Dragon: Across the Tian Shan Mountains and Ural Mountains, this Dragon Meridian leads to Moscow. It embodies resilience, adaptability, and the power of endurance.
  9. North-Eastern Dragon: From the Kunlun Mountains to the Pacific Ocean’s seabed, emerge at Canada’s Robertson Mountain. Discover clarity, intuition, and spiritual awakening.

Your Journey Begins with Master Zhang Bu Sheng

Meet the Lineage Holder
Master Zhang Bu Sheng, a revered Taoist master, is the torchbearer of the ancient art of “Dragon Meridian Seeking.” His wisdom and guidance have transformed countless lives. Now, he invites you to join him on a quest for inner alchemy.

Retreat Highlights
  • Dragon Meridian Immersions: Visit epicenters along these energy pathways. Feel the subtle shifts within your body as you absorb their potent vibrations.
  • Meditation: Learn ancient practices to harmonize your energy centres. Master Zhang will guide you through meditations that align with the Dragon’s flow.
  • Group Consultation: Master Zhang will assess your energetic balance and guide you towards your breakthrough.


Christian Blair

Chan Weihong (Singapore)

As I reflect on my journey to the ancient centres (Europe and Egypt) of the world, I'm struck by the profound impact it has had on me. Since childhood, I've been captivated by mythological stories—tales of Heracles and Achilles, and films like "The Ten Commandments" and "Ben-Hur." These stories of valour and divinity were my companions, shaping my imagination and my understanding of the world.

This trip, led by Master Zhang, turned these childhood stories into a vivid reality. We walked through the realms of antiquity, and with each step, the ancient sages' messages came to life through their timeless monuments and architecture. It was more than just sightseeing; it was an emotional pilgrimage that often moved me to tears.

Standing before the Sphinx in Egypt, I was overwhelmed by a sense of continuity with the past. The great men who once stood here have long passed, but their quest for eternity remains relevant. It reminded me of the poem 'Ozymandias' that I had learned in school, its words echoing the impermanence of glory. The pharaohs, despite their earthly power, sought something everlasting—a pursuit that seems even more poignant amidst the fleeting nature of today's materialistic world.

This journey has been a reminder that the search for meaning is timeless. As I continue to navigate the modern world, the lessons from these ancient lands resonate within me, urging me to seek beyond the tangible and embrace the eternal quest for enlightenment.

At these sacred locations, the air hums with palpable energy. Participants are not mere spectators; they become energy detectives, sensing the invisible currents with their senses. The phenomena are undeniable—some have even captured these physical manifestations of energy fields. 🌟✨

Master Zhang, with his profound knowledge of ancient Feng Shui, identifies the dragons’ meridian epicentres using the Earth’s geography. These epicentres serve as gateways to activate corresponding meridians within our bodies. The result? A “Unity of Heaven and Man—a harmonious alignment that accelerates progress. 🌌🌟

The principles behind Master Zhang’s feats trace back to an orthodox lineage of Taoist masters. Passed down through generations, this ancient wisdom infuses our Wellness Retreats with purpose and power. 📜🔮

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a curious seeker, our retreats promise immeasurable benefits. Man, Heaven, and Earth unite in a symphony of energy, propelling you toward growth, healing, and enlightenment. 🌟🌈

Don’t miss out! Reserve your spot today and experience the magic of these Wellness Retreats. 🌟🌿🌟

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