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Huang Peina, Canada

My mother-in-law had a cold after her encounter with someone who had cold recently. She had sore throat symptoms after coming back. She took some Chinese medicine, but her illness didn’t get better. She started with a fever yesterday, with temperatures in her left ear measuring 39.2°C and her right ear measuring 38.5°C. Her symptoms […]

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Huang Peina, Canada

My mother-in-law had a cold after her encounter with someone who had cold recently. She had sore throat symptoms after coming back. She took some Chinese medicine, but her illness didn't get better. She started with a fever yesterday, with temperatures in her left ear measuring 39.2°C and her right ear measuring 38.5°C. Her symptoms did not go away after she took antibiotics. Her left ear temperature was 39.1°C and her right ear temperature was 38.5°C last night at 9 p.m. I was advised to use the OOSS light wave instrument on her. She had three pieces of terahertz premium chips, and I asked her to cooperate with me for the treatment. I began the treatment by first applying the chips to her body's Fengchi and Fengfu acupoints. I blew on every part of her body, including the neck, the back of the ears, the entire back of the head, Baihui, and Tianmu, for at least a minute. I next went for Jianyu, Feishu, Dazhui, and the entire upper back. She said she had a headache, so while I treated other parts of her body, she held the terahertz chips on the painful spots in her head. That lasted for around twenty minutes. She felt a lot better after that, and her headache was gone. Her temperature was 38.5°C in her left ear and 38.1°C in her right ear when we took it moments later. When my husband took her temperature again ten minutes later, just before she went to sleep, it was lower than 38°C in both ears. She had a pretty good sleep last night. She didn't have another high fever this morning, and her temperature was slightly above 37°C.

Anonymous, Singapore

I suffered a stroke previously. As a result, my body suffers stiffness and numbness, especially with my hands and legs. It has been a frustrating journey despite the constant use of physiotherapy and TCM to improve the situation. When I first started using the chip, I could feel a difference in my body. I could […]

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Anonymous, Singapore

I suffered a stroke previously. As a result, my body suffers stiffness and numbness, especially with my hands and legs. It has been a frustrating journey despite the constant use of physiotherapy and TCM to improve the situation. When I first started using the chip, I could feel a difference in my body. I could finally feel some sensation within my hands. I ordered more chips to continue my experiment on my stiff hands, legs, and other internal organs. When I attach the chip to my kidney area, I can feel an improvement in energy and blood flow. I could feel vibrations in my ears too. It helped me to strengthen and soften my veins too. After using them for 6 months, I've also started to gain weight as I lost a lot of weight and strength when I had a stroke. Now I have more power when I walk, I am more radiant and have more vitality than before.
Christian Blair

Mr. Wong, Malaysia

Why did I set up an ancestral tablet? When I first heard of the eternal ancestral tablet, I was very keen for 3 reasons. Firstly, as a Catholic, I believe in the existence of purgatory. This is where souls who are supposedly not good enough to enter heaven but not bad enough to be condemned […]

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Christian Blair

Mr. Wong, Malaysia

Why did I set up an ancestral tablet?

When I first heard of the eternal ancestral tablet, I was very keen for 3 reasons. Firstly, as a Catholic, I believe in the existence of purgatory. This is where souls who are supposedly not good enough to enter heaven but not bad enough to be condemned to hell, reside. In purgatory, they would suffer for their sins till they were cleansed of their sins before ascending to heaven. Hence, at every Catholic mass, prayers are often made for the holy souls in purgatory and our loved ones who have passed on. This is because we truly believe that prayers can help liberate their souls.

Secondly, there are no equivalent 24x7 prayer halls for the deceased in the Catholic Churches in Malaysia.

Thirdly, it is because I believe in Master Zhang’s methodology and ability. If it was proposed by some other teachers, I would be hesitant to set up an ancestral tablet.

Did my action to set up a tablet in a Buddhist hall compromise my belief as a Catholic? I equate that question to, “Does driving a Honda make me less Malaysian? “I remained a Catholic and a student of Master Zhang.

Jason Nang

The Chai Siblings, Singapore

I was wondering if I should I set up a tablet for my father after his death at a famous temple in Singapore or at the OOSS ancestral hall? We spoke to our late father and he wanted his tablet be placed at the OOSS ancestral hall. My family chose Zone A for our father […]

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Jason Nang

The Chai Siblings, Singapore

I was wondering if I should I set up a tablet for my father after his death at a famous temple in Singapore or at the OOSS ancestral hall? We spoke to our late father and he wanted his tablet be placed at the OOSS ancestral hall. My family chose Zone A for our father as an act of our filial piety.

John Lee

Terence Ng, Singapore

Last Sunday, my wife sent the puja link to her friend with a third eye. And she always encounters souls approaching her for help. When the chanting session started, she purposely turned up the volume of her laptop to the maximum. After the puja had ended, she decided to go out for an errand, and […]

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John Lee

Terence Ng, Singapore

Last Sunday, my wife sent the puja link to her friend with a third eye. And she always encounters souls approaching her for help. When the chanting session started, she purposely turned up the volume of her laptop to the maximum. After the puja had ended, she decided to go out for an errand, and she was surprised that 5 to 6 souls were waiting for her outside the house. She was a bit surprised by the small gathering. And when she approached them, they told her they were there to thank her. The puja, a powerful spiritual practice, helped to reduce their grievances. This lady participated in our previous puja. She commented that after a while, most of those souls she had invited to attend had reincarnated. Before going for reincarnation, one of the souls asked her friend to thank my wife on her behalf, as my wife always asked the friend to invite them to the puja.

James Wong

A Singapore Practitioner

Dear All, I want to share the benefits of writing red tablets for my company. I am a supply planner and part of the APAC team of around 30 people that regulates the supplies and inventory level for the entire APAC region. In the last three years, the APAC team has encountered three difficult periods […]

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James Wong

A Singapore Practitioner

Dear All,
I want to share the benefits of writing red tablets for my company. I am a supply planner and part of the APAC team of around 30 people that regulates the supplies and inventory level for the entire APAC region.

In the last three years, the APAC team has encountered three difficult periods due to increasing inventories and poor sales, especially at the beginning of this year, when COVID-19 first hit the world. The US HQ pushed us like mad to meet the inventory target, which most of us felt was too stretched and unrealistic.

So, each time I encountered this hurdle, I would write a red tablet, especially to wish that the APAC team could meet the inventory target effectively. I didn’t expect much, but after "writing the tablet" things would happen to lead us in the right direction and take effective actions to achieve what everyone thought was an impossible target.

Therefore, I believe writing a S$50 puja red tablet, or 3 months S$90 Buddhist Hall tablet to wish for specific help in our work to overcome a specific problem is an affordable and effective solution

If you are facing a major hurdle at work, it will be also be recommended to do the company spiritual liberation tablet, I am a believer in doing it because I see a transformation in the quality of my work-life after doing it consistently for 5 years. Here are some examples:

  1. From colleagues that are not supportive -> colleagues that naturally want to help and stand by me
  2. From bosses who are not empathetic or supportive -> to bosses who support, acknowledge, and reward my work.
  3. From heavy workload and long OT hours -> to manageable workload and normal working hours
  4. From oppression by bad office politics -> to being acknowledged and respected by factions that used to oppress

I am grateful to OOSS for these things, and I share them because I wish more people were aware of the benefits of the company liberation tablet and the red tablet.

Kelly Ong

Ms Lew, Kuala Lumpur

Gratitude to Heavenly Masters’ blessing and empowerment With the free time I had recently, I have decided to work as a volunteer at OOSS Kuala Lumpur to do something meaningful and I also signed up for the puja as usual. I did not expect anything to happen; only wished to dedicate myself and complete the […]

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Kelly Ong

Ms Lew, Kuala Lumpur

Gratitude to Heavenly Masters’ blessing and empowerment
With the free time I had recently, I have decided to work as a volunteer at OOSS Kuala Lumpur to do something meaningful and I also signed up for the puja as usual.

I did not expect anything to happen; only wished to dedicate myself and complete the work.
As Master Zhang suggested, I made a wish during the puja, too, to move somewhere I had my eye on.

Several months ago, I found a nice apartment that was a bit pricy, and the landlord was reluctant to lower the price. The good news came this morning: the owner suddenly agreed to take my price, and my loan went through smoothly. It is incredible! A sincere dedication to the puja saved me a great deal of money and worries.

As a student, please accept my immense gratitude to Master Zhang and tremendous gratitude to all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and the divine for their support and protection! 🙏🙏🙏
Tomorrow will be the last of the puja; please do not miss this extraordinary puja.

A personal experience from Kuala Lumpur on 24 June 2020.

Jason Nang

Chen Li Wei, Taiwan

Before the puja started on the puja day, I perceived numerous ancient pagodas and a deep and dark cave in front of me. Cold winds blew with trees swaying and leaves swirling in every direction. When the puja started, I perceived many sentient beings appearing at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Hall on the right side of the […]

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Jason Nang

Chen Li Wei, Taiwan

Before the puja started on the puja day, I perceived numerous ancient pagodas and a deep and dark cave in front of me. Cold winds blew with trees swaying and leaves swirling in every direction.

When the puja started, I perceived many sentient beings appearing at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Hall on the right side of the altar. Many of them had physical defects and were grimacing in great pain. In the middle of the altar were many ancient prison cages where sentient beings were being held captive without proper clothing. Their dark bodies were covered with dirt. My heart was in great pain from this sight, and I started to shed tears. As the puja progressed, all the sentient beings boarded the Amitabha vessels without any exception.

During the puja, I also saw some of the staff seated at the back release karmic debts.

Though Master Zhang presided over the puja in Singapore, his dharma prowess could be felt in Taiwan, where it helped to liberate innumerable sentient beings. Witnessing such an effect in Taiwan, the outcome must have been the same for other regions beyond Singapore as well!

Kelly Ong

Steven Yong, Singapore

My friend’s father passed on recently and I sounded him out on the 49 days ritual and burning service provided by the centre. The family was happy to build more merits for their late father. After we provide a budget and a list of specific items for the Center to help us with, the staff […]

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Kelly Ong

Steven Yong, Singapore

My friend’s father passed on recently and I sounded him out on the 49 days ritual and burning service provided by the centre. The family was happy to build more merits for their late father.

After we provide a budget and a list of specific items for the Center to help us with, the staff team acted on it swiftly to facilitate the 49-days food offering, joss paper offering of every seven and Puja participation. I helped to send the photos and videos to the family for constant update during the burning session so that they can be part of this process and dedicate merits to their loved one too.

After the family completed the funeral service, the family was also invited to burn these joss papers together. Thankfully, all joss papers were already unwrapped and ready to burn with a simple ritual to follow. My friend was very appreciative of what was prepared for his late father and he was happy to see the “mountain” of joss papers dedicated to the father. The staff team was there to support throughout the burning session to make sure that all has been burnt.

He is looking forward to the burning sessions at every seven and during our Puja sessions to do his part for his father’s afterlife journey.

Christian Blair

Joseph & John, Singapore

My friend passed on recently and I would like to make some joss paper and light offering, as well as spiritual liberation tablets to assist him on his afterlife process. Being a student of Master Zhang, l trust that the burning service and 49 days ritual service will be well received by the other dimension. […]

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Christian Blair

Joseph & John, Singapore

My friend passed on recently and I would like to make some joss paper and light offering, as well as spiritual liberation tablets to assist him on his afterlife process. Being a student of Master Zhang, l trust that the burning service and 49 days ritual service will be well received by the other dimension.

It is also a hassle-free service and the follow-up video and photos after each ritual are great! Be rest assured that it is well-taken care by the staff. Thank you.

John Lee

Agnes Lim, Singapore

I thought it wouldn’t happen to me but it did. My husband was diagnosed with Covid19 at the beginning of the pandemic. He was tested positive. I immediately went to my home altar to seek forgiveness and repentance for my family. Unfortunately, my elderly mother came to stay with me during this period. I was […]

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John Lee

Agnes Lim, Singapore

I thought it wouldn’t happen to me but it did. My husband was diagnosed with Covid19 at the beginning of the pandemic. He was tested positive. I immediately went to my home altar to seek forgiveness and repentance for my family. Unfortunately, my elderly mother came to stay with me during this period. I was worried that the rest of our family members would suffer the same fate as my husband. A family of 6 with 1 in the hospital. My husband stayed in the ICU for 2 days. I rang up OOSS Origin of Self to see what else I could do to protect my family.

I was advised to setup the all-year tablets at the Buddhist Shrine to house our karmic creditors and participated in the Online Qing Ming Puja. My husband was in the hospital for a total of 11 days to battle with the virus. Together with my mum, we went to NCID for the swab test. During this period, I was under intense pressure.

Thankfully, my husband was discharged in March. Miraculously, our test results came out negative. The rest of us were sent by Ministry of Health (MOH) to take our blood for Covid19 research.

I’m very grateful for the blessings and I have a second chance to live. It is only when you had a brush with death, then you truly know what it means to live! I just signed up for my first 2 courses with OOSS on Meditation and Secrets of Life & Death as a gratitude gesture to thank Teacher and all Heavenly Masters for the blessings. I will work on myself first and soon I have a chance to lead my family to walk this path of evolution.

Kelly Ong

John Xu, Singapore

I’m thankful for the monthly pujas and prayer hall tablets to help my family navigate a potential crisis. I would like to share about my mother-in-law residing in China Zhengzhou. She had a narrow escape from death. It was raining heavily that fateful day. She was nearly at the scene of the unfortunate flood event. […]

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Kelly Ong

John Xu, Singapore

I'm thankful for the monthly pujas and prayer hall tablets to help my family navigate a potential crisis. I would like to share about my mother-in-law residing in China Zhengzhou. She had a narrow escape from death.

It was raining heavily that fateful day. She was nearly at the scene of the unfortunate flood event.

She was contemplating whether to take the underground MRT or board the bus for her next destination.

Thankfully, her direct bus came suddenly, and she boarded right away. We express our deepest gratitude to the heavenly masters for watching over my family.

With the monthly yellow and red tablets setup at the Buddhist Shrine, I believe this help my mother-in-law to escape the disaster.

BB, Thailand

  • Case Studies

On March 26th, I woke up to a startling discovery: a lump in my breast as large as a lemon. It was a moment that could have marked the beginning of a harrowing journey, but instead, it led me to a remarkable discovery. I turned to the device that promised to make a difference, and […]

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BB, Thailand

  • Case Studies
On March 26th, I woke up to a startling discovery: a lump in my breast as large as a lemon. It was a moment that could have marked the beginning of a harrowing journey, but instead, it led me to a remarkable discovery. I turned to the device that promised to make a difference, and it did. Night after night, I used it, and the once intimidating lump began to shrink—from the size of a lemon to the size of a grape—the change was undeniable. This isn’t just my story; it’s a beacon of hope for others facing similar battles. There’s a device that might offer healing, and I’m living proof of its potential. To those feeling helpless against the silent growths within them, know this: there may be more options than you realize. Stay strong, stay hopeful, and seek every possibility.

Mdm Chua, Singapore

  • Case Studies

After my recent bone-setting for better alignment of my body, I have been using the Supreme Edition and Metaverse Energy Device to maintain my health. As my body is of a cold and damp constitution, I would need stronger heat and a higher surge of terahertz wave into my body to blow away the coldness […]

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Mdm Chua, Singapore

  • Case Studies
After my recent bone-setting for better alignment of my body, I have been using the Supreme Edition and Metaverse Energy Device to maintain my health. As my body is of a cold and damp constitution, I would need stronger heat and a higher surge of terahertz wave into my body to blow away the coldness within my body. I felt so much better and much stronger these days. I could finally feel the warmth in my body when I started using both devices for my body's maintenance from the daily care, the bottom-up approach (Metaverse Energy Device) to unblock the channels and the top-down approach (Supreme Edition) to purge out the coldness and dampness. After a good perspiration, my body has been revitalized and ready for each day! This is a more cost-effective solution for my long-term maintenance.

Tan Choon Keok, Singapore

  • Case Studies

During the initial test with the Metaverse Energy Device, I experienced blockages in my feet. I felt pain as the pulses cleared the meridians. I used the Supreme edition on both of my feet simultaneously, and the discomfort went away almost instantly. My feet felt amazingly light and comfortable after the treatment, a wonderful feeling […]

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Tan Choon Keok, Singapore

  • Case Studies
During the initial test with the Metaverse Energy Device, I experienced blockages in my feet. I felt pain as the pulses cleared the meridians. I used the Supreme edition on both of my feet simultaneously, and the discomfort went away almost instantly. My feet felt amazingly light and comfortable after the treatment, a wonderful feeling of relaxation! I am very happy with the product’s efficiency! Upon my suggestion, my friends purchased the Supreme edition too, which allows everyone at this stage of life to suffer less, feel less pain, and endure less hardship!

Medha Chiam, 39, Manager (Malaysia)

  • Stories on Medical Treatment

As a child, I suffered from chronic sinusitis, constantly battling blocked nostrils and persistent...

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Medha Chiam, 39, Manager (Malaysia)

  • Stories on Medical Treatment

From Chronic Sinusitis to Natural Healing

As a child, I suffered from chronic sinusitis, constantly battling blocked nostrils and persistent itching. Despite seeking help from Chinese medicine, Western medicine, and natural therapies, nothing worked. I had almost given up hope.

In 2016, I met a renowned teacher in Singapore who specialized in medical arts. Without specific expectations, I attended two sessions. Soon after, I caught a severe cold. But what followed surprised me: intense mucus discharge, changing from light to bright. It felt like a detoxification process. By the 6th day, I was cured! Both nostrils were clear, and I no longer unconsciously scratched my nose.

Miss Yap – Supply Chain Analyst (Malaysia)

  • Stories on Medical Treatment

Thanks to this healing practice, my decade-old injury from a fall and sciatic pain has significantly improved....

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Miss Yap – Supply Chain Analyst (Malaysia)

  • Stories on Medical Treatment

Thanks to this healing practice, my decade-old injury from a fall and sciatic pain has significantly improved. The process felt like peeling an onion layer by layer, starting from the surface and working toward the core. Initially, I couldn’t meditate in a sitting posture due to the pain, but after a few sessions, I could. Now, the pain has shifted from my buttocks to my toes. During the sessions, I sensed the teacher’s neigong energy flowing through acupuncture needles, even days afterward. A remarkable experience that reminds me there’s much unknown in the world. Grateful for the Master Zhang’s help.

Mdm Goh, Manager (Singapore)

  • Stories on Medical Treatment

After my mother’s annual check-up revealed high pressure in her nose area, the doctor suspected nose cancer...

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Mdm Goh, Manager (Singapore)

  • Stories on Medical Treatment

After my mother’s annual check-up revealed high pressure in her nose area, the doctor suspected nose cancer and recommended further tests. Seeking a second opinion, we turned to Master Zhang, hoping for a miracle. During a Neigong therapy session with him, my mother felt lighter and more radiant. Master Zhang’s unique approach involved gentle hand movements around her nose, seemingly dispelling negative energy. He blessed us and advised another round of tests. A week later, the results confirmed our joy: my mother was cancer-free! Our family is profoundly grateful to Master Zhang for his remarkable healing.”

Clarence & Lina

  • Stories on Medical Treatment

Hello everyone, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Shifu. Our little boy was born on 12th November...

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Clarence & Lina

  • Stories on Medical Treatment

Hello everyone, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Shifu. Our little boy was born on 12th November, which was Medicine Buddha's birthday. It has been quite a journey for us for having this little baby as we were trying for close to 2 years to no avail. This year February we went to see Shifu for guidance and within a month, we got this good news on the baby boy. Baby is very blessed, as I traveled with him in my tummy with OOSS and Shifu and Shimu to Cameron Highlands , Australia, and New Zealand without giving me any issues. I had to overcome many fears to do so but Shifu's re-assurance gave me all the confidence to do so. Also, during my pregnancy, I had no morning sickness, and my labor was smooth with a natural delivery and no Epidural. Thanks to Shifu and the heavenly masters for all the blessings 🙏

Jason Nang

Jacky Lee (Singapore)

  • Stories on Bootcamps

27th day in Taiwan, June 5, 2024. Today marks the completion of bootcamp training...

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Jason Nang

Jacky Lee (Singapore)

  • Stories on Bootcamps

27th day in Taiwan, June 5, 2024. Today marks the completion of bootcamp training. 🙏

Week One (Elite Leadership Bootcamp)
Master Zhang’s teaching, which focused on developing, cultivating, and applying Bodhicitta, was enlightening. Practicing skills without cultivating the heart cannot lead to true achievement, no matter how high one's skills are.

During the teaching, Master Zhang guided everyone to visualize those they disliked and send compassionate light and joy to them. Some participants truly succeeded in doing so and felt joyful when the heavy burden they had been carrying for a long time disappeared instantly. At that time, I couldn't fully accomplish it, so I didn't experience too much change.

Many people asked questions during the Q&A session, and Master Zhang answered them with beneficial insights. I hope future Q&A sessions can be conducted as a class, instead of team level because many of the answers are quite relevant to all, and it would be a pity to miss them.

Week Two (Solitary Retreat at Zen Origin)
I caught a flu when I first moved in, so I didn't have the vigor to do physical practices such as stamping my feet and could only do basic meditation while sitting down. Besides my daily tasks for my day job, my daily routine included changing the water on the altar, burning incense, keeping the candle lit, sweeping the floor, meditating, and chanting mantra. Since I am not very good at cooking, I ate simple and light food daily.

On the fifth evening, Dr Wu and Dr Shi came by to stay over the weekend and noticed that my facial appearance had changed, with my forehead appearing fuller. I realized I could easily sit in the lotus position, and my muscles and bones had become softer and flexible.

On Sunday, we burned joss papers after a puja. The two doctors said that the heavy fatigue they have felt since the end of the bootcamp was gone, their body felt light, and their eyes became bright and clear.

Week Three (Zen Origin)
Following a day of intense rain, the Buddha Hall was flooded with water one evening. Dr. Shi's friend came to help clear away the dirty water and mop the floor, he did most of the laborious work. I taught him to stand at the center of the Buddha Hall to feel the energy field. Even though he wasn't typically sensitive, he felt very comfortable.

That night, he stayed in the hall and chanted the "The Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra" until 2 a.m. He woke up the following morning without feeling tired. We performed a small puja and fire offering together and he then went to the Buddha Hall alone to chant sutras for three hours. He said that his lower back would hurt when he would sit in meditation at home, but surprisingly, it didn't happen in the Zen Origin Buddha Hall. I saw that he had a glow on his face and felt joyful for him.

Another student came later and shared with me that he would feel drowsy when meditating at home. I invited him to try meditating in the Buddha Hall, and he immediately felt that he could quickly enter the Zen state without being drowsy.

I also recommended that on returning home, he should practice basic dynamic exercises (Feet-Stamping Practice and Spinal Rejuvenation Practice) more frequently before sitting for meditation (being active first and passive later is the basic practice of resisting Yin and embracing Yang) to avoid meditation drowsiness.

During the past few days of conversation with the two doctors, I found out that they were unfamiliar with many of the operational issues because this is a new franchise. I, therefore, tried my best to assist them in gathering information and seeking advice from senior staff members in the head office whenever we had questions. Gradually, my forehead became even fuller.

While helping out, I didn't have much thoughts about my cultivation level or wished for anything in return. The energy field of Zen Origin drastically reduced my desires and I felt contented. My daily joy was going to the Buddha Hall during my free time, playing various mantra music and chanting, practicing the simplest methods of Samatha & Vipassana, reciting sutras, or simply just lying down to sleep like an infant.

I especially enjoyed practicing with the two doctors and other students in the Buddha Hall and listening to their joyful experiences of the Dharma. Practitioners during the Buddha's time must have lived in an environment where people possessed pure hearts and minimal desires, selflessly assisting each other with determination to follow the path. This is why thousands and tens of thousands of them could attain enlightenment quickly.

Week Four (Tainan City)
I moved to a vacant apartment in Tainan owned by a fellow practitioner because I had to fly from Kaohsiung back to Singapore. When I placed the home consecration talisman in the living room, I felt what used to be scattered energy becoming condensed harmonious energy, and felt the space became larger. Later, that fellow practitioner took her consecration talisman back home and shared a similar experience. The home consecration talisman method taught at the bootcamp is very profound. I encourage everyone to review the procedure until you are naturally familiar with the execution and then place it at home. It can transform the living space into a six-directional energy protection, bringing lasting benefits to the residents.

I will be going home tomorrow, but don't feel eager nor reluctant to leave Taiwan. My mindset is to follow the path naturally, and not having any attachment to where I stay or go. Everything arises and ceases due to karmic conditions; it's all an illusory realm and an illusory mind.

True cultivation is a lifelong pursuit. It includes volunteering selflessly at the ashram to benefit all beings, participating in puja sincerely to repent our karmic sins, worshiping ancestors as the origin of us with gratitude, helping fellow practitioners impartially, and continuously bringing joy to all sentient beings.

I am grateful to all the saints, deities, immortals, beings, and spirits who have assisted and cared for me throughout my past and present life. I am also grateful to those who have harmed me because they are part of the karma ripening that allowed me to participate in this remarkable Elite Leadership Bootcamp in Taiwan.

May the merit be dedicated to liberating all beings from suffering and attaining joy and may all attain Buddhahood. 🙏🙏🙏

Jason Nang

Edwaard Liu (Singapore )

  • Stories on Bootcamps

During this trip, Shifu taught many major practices that weren't disclosed before. I asked myself...

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Jason Nang

Edwaard Liu (Singapore )

  • Stories on Bootcamps

During this trip, Shifu taught many major practices that weren't disclosed before. I asked myself why he had not shared them earlier? I may not have accumulated enough merits for such great teachings. Some may take pride that they follow Shifu for many years, but really, for older students we should feel ashamed because we've not attained yet after so many years of learning and practice. This trip there are many new students and Shifu choose to share the great secret teachings now. Why is it so? It is because the new student's have accumulated great merits and old student that are here benefited from it too. I sincerely thank you for my opportunity to learn the great teachings.

There's a greeting in India called, "Namaste". The meaning is, "The divine in me greets the divine in you." When you found your inner Buddha nature, you will recognize the Buddha in others. Tolerance, great compassion, and bodhicitta will arise.

Master Shen xiu once wrote the poem,
  The body is a Bodhi tree,

The mind is a bright mirror stand.

At all times polish it diligently,


And let no dust alight.


After having read this poem aloud to him, Master Hui Neng asked an officer to write another gatha on the wall for him, next to Shenxiu's, which stated:

Bodhi is originally without any tree;


The bright mirror is also not a stand. 明鏡亦非臺。

Originally there is not a single thing —


Where could any dust be attracted?


I have been looking for a way to upgrade to Master Hui Neng's level, now it is possible.

With the true self, one is untainted; doing things in untainted emptiness, everything is merit.

Our master has taught us a way to use our divine self to improve our consciousness and manifested self concurrently. I am very grateful, amazed, and filled with Dharma joy. I am also concerned that new students do not know how to cherish these major Dharma because they come easily to them. I hope everyone can strive to work hard together.

There is still a lot that I want to share, like my own cultivation experience; if there's an opportunity, I will share according to affinity.

Shifu mentioned that now at our level, whatever we wish will increase multiple folds; I wish everyone, including myself, to attain it sooner. I hope to receive your well wishes too. Namaste!

James Wong

Max Thiam (Singapore)

  • Stories on Russia

The feel of the meridian line during the practice in Russian was more intense compared to the last trip...

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James Wong

Max Thiam (Singapore)

  • Stories on Russia

The feel of the meridian line during the practice in Russian was more intense compared to the last trip to Taiwan. This is the first time I felt that my body was very light and comfortable on the lines. But when straying out three steps to the left or right out of the pulse line, I felt my whole body becoming very heavy. This is a feeling which I had never experienced before.

John Lee

Edmund Kiu (Singapore)

I hesitated for quite some time before I decided to sign up for this journey. The great shock that I encountered during this trip...

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John Lee

Edmund Kiu (Singapore)

I hesitated for quite some time before I decided to sign up for this journey. The great shock that I encountered during this trip assured me that I had done the right thing this time.

I went to a church school when I was a child, so I knew about Jesus. I began to resist the church because I didn't agree with what they said - "people will go to hell If you don't believe in Christ.“

During this trip, when we were at the Transfiguration Church in St. Petersburg, I closed my eyes and contemplated a painting of Jesus with an angel on the wall. Suddenly I felt that Jesus was right in front of me with his open arms as if to say "Child, welcome home." My defence crumbled at that instant. I was like a child who had been away from home for a long time but upon my return, my family was so understanding and welcomed me. The knot in my heart was untied at last!

James Wong

Cynthia Mun (Singapore)

  • Stories on Russia

During a school holiday trip arranged by Master Zhang, I had the chance to take my daughter along. Practicing at the dragon...

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James Wong

Cynthia Mun (Singapore)

  • Stories on Russia

During a school holiday trip arranged by Master Zhang, I had the chance to take my daughter along. Practicing at the dragon meridian points in this unique setting proved more effective than at home. Don’t skip practicing during the flight—the higher altitude allows the Celestial Master’s assistance. On our last day of cultivation in the mountains, Master Zhang instructed us to watch the clouds. My daughter’s inexplicable jumping revealed her central meridian unblocking. Despite the taxing journey, my spirit remained high, and hunger didn’t bother me. This rare feeling led me to eagerly anticipate the next cultivation trip.

John Lee

Chan Weihong (Singapore)

  • Stories on Europe

My journey to the four ancient centers was a life-changing experience. Ever since childhood, I've been captivated by tales...

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John Lee

Chan Weihong (Singapore)

  • Stories on Europe

My journey to the four ancient centers was a life-changing experience. Ever since childhood, I've been captivated by tales of ancient heroes and civilizations. This trip made those stories come alive, and under Master Zhang's guidance, I truly understood the wisdom embedded in these magnificent monuments.

Standing before the Sphinx of Egypt, I was overwhelmed with emotion, realizing that I was standing where countless great men had stood before. It recalled a forgotten poem, "Ozymandias," which spoke of a powerful king's legacy crumbling to dust. It made me reflect on the fleeting nature of material wealth and power, just as the pharaohs themselves sought immortality.

This journey has shown me that even those who possessed everything still sought something more. It's a powerful reminder that true fulfillment lies beyond the material world, a message that resonates deeply in our modern age.

John Lee

Jeremy Wong (New York)

  • Stories on Canada

This journey was a life-changing experience for me. I joined mid-trip, unprepared and feeling overwhelmed. But Master Zhang...

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John Lee

Jeremy Wong (New York)

  • Stories on Canada

This journey was a life-changing experience for me. I joined mid-trip, unprepared and feeling overwhelmed. But Master Zhang and my fellow retreat mates were incredibly kind and patient, guiding me through the basic techniques. I quickly caught up and felt the energy in my body become stronger, especially when standing in the right positions.

The energy in Alpine and Golden Town was incredible. I slept only three hours, but felt energized. Even with more sleep in Vancouver, I still felt the effects of the energy. Most importantly, my mental clarity improved significantly.

During the Canada trip, I was fortunate to experience two inner energy healing sessions with Master Zhang. It was truly amazing! For the first time in my life, I felt a beam of light shining on my head, warm, comforting, and peaceful. When Master Zhang focused on my kidneys, I felt a dark purple energy circulating and rising up my body. It was an incredible experience that surpassed anything I'd tried before.

I'm so grateful to Master Zhang for this remarkable opportunity and the profound impact it's had on my life.

Jason Nang

Luu Man Chi (Vietnam)

  • Stories on Nepal

Nepal was my first retreat with Master Zhang, and it transformed my life. Other trips now pale in comparison...

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Jason Nang

Luu Man Chi (Vietnam)

  • Stories on Nepal

Nepal was my first retreat with Master Zhang, and it transformed my life. Other trips now pale in comparison.

Before the trip, I enrolled in the Level 1 Course with English translation, as I’m a non-Chinese speaker. Despite initial doubts about Master Zhang’s teachings, especially regarding the unseen dark matter world, I was amazed. The Nepal Retreat confirmed the truth of what Master Zhang imparts. Everywhere he took us, the external world mirrored our inner universe—evidenced by manmade structures and natural formations.

During practice in Nepal, the connection felt stronger and faster. I learned that our accommodations were intentionally chosen along the dragon meridian line, allowing us to recharge even while sleeping.

The highlight was visiting Padmasambhava. As Master Zhang opened an energy field, I felt a deep connection, like returning home after a long absence. I’m grateful for his teachings on universal truths and the challenging path of cultivation. Master Zhang embodies enlightenment, and I have faith we can all attain it under his guidance.

At Kathmandu Park, where Master Zhang activated the dragon meridian line, I witnessed a flourishing tree compared to a dying one from the previous week. After meditation practice, I felt awake and recharged.

Despite not understanding Chinese, I resonate with Master Zhang’s teachings. Sensations in my body confirm their effectiveness.

I eagerly await the next retreats with Master Zhang and OOSS. The timeless truths endure—whether we believe in them or not. Let’s keep an open mind and experience it for ourselves.

James Wong

Simon Tan (Singapore)

Let me share my personal experience from our Hong Kong retreat—a journey that defied expectations and revealed the magic of synchronicity...

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James Wong

Simon Tan (Singapore)

Let me share my personal experience from our Hong Kong retreat—a journey that defied expectations and revealed the magic of synchronicity.

  1. Divine Guidance Amidst Typhoon:
    The typhoon disrupted our plans, preventing us from entering the institution we had initially chosen for meditation. But Master Zhang, with his cosmic insight, led us to an even more potent location—the pearl of the nine dragons. It was as if the universe conspired to guide us toward higher energies. The unexpected detour turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
  2. Energy Epicenter Beside the Book Exhibition:
    Denied entry to Kowloon Park due to the raging typhoon, we found ourselves near a bustling bookfair. The quiet amidst the storm allowed us to focus on our prayers. What struck me was the timing—our schedule aligned perfectly with the crowd's arrival later in the day. It was as though the universe orchestrated every detail to ensure we received the teachings we sought.
  3. Purple Clouds and Timely Rain:
    At Kowloon Park's epicentre, the sun beat down relentlessly. But then, purple clouds appeared, shielding us. As we completed our practice, rain began to fall—a timely blessing. Nature responded to our intentions, affirming our journey. It was a powerful reminder that when we align with higher energies, everything falls into place.

Witnessing Master Zhang dissolve the level 8 typhoon was awe-inspiring. The Divine and Protectors worked through him, and we recited the Mahamayuri mantra to shift the energy field. Abundance flowed, and I realized that following the process of life—guided by ancient wisdom—brings blessings beyond measure.

James Wong

Jannis Wah (Singapore)

  • Stories on Taiwan

The Taiwan meditation retreat was unlike any other. Amidst nature’s beauty, Master Zhang guided us to deeper...

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James Wong

Jannis Wah (Singapore)

  • Stories on Taiwan

The Taiwan meditation retreat was unlike any other. Amidst nature’s beauty, Master Zhang guided us to deeper healing energies. The space transformed—sometimes lighter, sometimes denser with vibrational energy. A revelation beyond my prior nature trips!

My mom, who joined me, felt it too. Despite gastritis, she thrived on raw food during the Bigu experience. Culturally, we explored temples in Kao Hsiung, Alishan, Yilan, and Taipei. Their architecture mirrored our bodies, revealing science behind meditation practices.

I’ll attend more retreats and invite others. Natural healing and lasting effects await—far beyond typical trips!

Simon Tan, Singapore

I used both the standard version and the Divine version of the light wave instruments on my two legs to do a comparison, it is obvious that the Divine Gem in terms of heat, strength & penetration is much stronger than the standard version with better effect. I would encourage everyone to use the Divine […]

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Simon Tan, Singapore

I used both the standard version and the Divine version of the light wave instruments on my two legs to do a comparison, it is obvious that the Divine Gem in terms of heat, strength & penetration is much stronger than the standard version with better effect. I would encourage everyone to use the Divine Gem to relieve pain and eliminate dampness, coldness & stasis in the body. It works!
Jason Nang

Zeoane Goh (Singapore)

Following Master Zhang’s pace, we were led into a tunnel of time back into the founding days of Shingon and Tendai Esoteric Buddhism...

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Jason Nang

Zeoane Goh (Singapore)

Following Master Zhang’s pace, we were led into a tunnel of time back into the founding days of Shingon and Tendai Esoteric Buddhism. With the practice of esoteric techniques, we connected with the ancient sages, and the wisdom of their teachings was evidenced through our hearts and bodies.

Embark on an arduous ascent up Mount Fuji—a journey of steep slopes, narrow mountain roads, and boundless adventure. Guided by Master Zhang, seekers brave drizzle and chilling breezes in pursuit of the elusive Dragon Pearl.

After relentless trekking, the reward awaits the Vermillion Bird orientation, hidden within the four divisions. As rain cascades from the heavens, a transformation unfolds. Despite plummeting temperatures, my lower Dantian blazes with newfound energy. My shivering hands began to warm up together with the rest of my body!

Kelly Ong

Mdm Seng Li Eng (Singapore)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

For 30 years, my hearing deteriorated, affecting my confidence and causing frustration...

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Kelly Ong

Mdm Seng Li Eng (Singapore)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

For 30 years, my hearing deteriorated, affecting my confidence and causing frustration. Master Zhang’s course, translated by my daughter, felt like a healing sleep. Energized by the lessons and a Feng Shui home audit, my hearing began to recover. Now, I’m medication-free, active, and grateful for my health at nearly 70. I’m committed to maintaining my well-being for my family. Thanks to Master Zhang, I’ve regained my life and joy.

Kelly Ong

Mr Gan (Singapore)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

In 2018, a relapse of vertebrae injury and a fall led to severe pain and a shifted spinal implant...

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Kelly Ong

Mr Gan (Singapore)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

In 2018, a relapse of vertebrae injury and a fall led to severe pain and a shifted spinal implant, threatening my mobility. Despite this, I chose spiritual healing over surgery to attend a retreat in Russia. Practicing “Spinal Rejuvenation” and meditation with Master Zhang, my pain subsided, and I reduced painkillers. Astonishingly, post-retreat check-ups showed my spine’s miraculous self-correction. I’m thankful for Master Zhang’s teachings and the retreat’s profound impact.

Kelly Ong

Mr Tan, Manager (Singapore, 2018)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

My wife and I struggled for years to start a family, but after taking Master Zhang's OOSS Level 1 course, our luck changed...

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Kelly Ong

Mr Tan, Manager (Singapore, 2018)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

My wife and I struggled for years to start a family, but after taking Master Zhang's OOSS Level 1 course, our luck changed. The spiritual practices we learned were incredibly helpful, and just halfway through the course, my wife became pregnant!

Our daughter Jiajia was born in 2016 and has been a true blessing. She is a fast learner and simply adorable. We felt she was a gift from heaven and cherished every moment watching her grow from baby to toddler.

In an amazing turn of events, I'm pleased to share that my wife is now 4 months pregnant again after I completed the OOSS Level 2 program. We are overjoyed and believe the techniques we learned played a big role in our success.

I hope our story can inspire other couples facing fertility challenges to give Master Zhang's courses a try. The knowledge and practices we gained were truly life-changing for us.

Kelly Ong

Brother Zeng, Malaysia

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

After 30 years as a devoted Buddhist, my journey took an unexpected turn with a health setback...

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Kelly Ong

Brother Zeng, Malaysia

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

After 30 years as a devoted Buddhist, my journey took an unexpected turn with a health setback. Despite this, Master Zhang’s Level 1 course was a revelation, highlighting missteps in my practice and reigniting my commitment to enlightenment. The course not only clarified my spiritual path but also brought remarkable health benefits. My speech improved, energy surged, and a Feng Shui audit at my home further enhanced my well-being. Grateful for the OOSS centre’s support, I’m now poised to embark on Level 2, continuing my quest for enlightenment and vitality. This experience is a treasure I urge all to explore.

Kelly Ong

Tina, Singapore

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

Master Zhang’s Level 2 course was a profound experience, reinforcing the need for dedication...

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Kelly Ong

Tina, Singapore

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

Master Zhang’s Level 2 course was a profound experience, reinforcing the need for dedication on the path to enlightenment. His innovative teaching methods have accelerated my learning, yielding significant progress quickly. I’m inspired by his dedication and selfless guidance. Let’s seize the moment and ascend to life’s zenith together.

Kelly Ong

Mun (Singapore, 2018)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

My journey with Master Zhang has spanned over 3.5 years, and I've learned invaluable lessons during this time. One key takeaway...

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Kelly Ong

Mun (Singapore, 2018)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

My journey with Master Zhang has spanned over 3.5 years, and I've learned invaluable lessons during this time. One key takeaway is that cultivation is not always a smooth, linear process - there will be obstacles and challenges along the way. However, the knowledge and practices I've gained have equipped me to handle these difficulties from a more enlightened perspective.

For instance, when a fellow OOSS practitioner passed away, his wife wondered if he would still be alive had he not quit the program. While I can't say for certain, I know each person faces their own karmic debts that must be resolved. Many of us choose to confront these silently, using the principles we've learned.

Personally, I've experienced my share of losses and setbacks. Last year, I had a heartbreaking miscarriage after trying hard to get pregnant. Master Zhang explained that the fetus was abnormal, and the "heavenly beings" ended our karmic debt prematurely to prevent further suffering. While painful, this perspective helped me find solace.

I also recently lost my father-in-law to heart failure. Master Zhang had forewarned us of his approaching end, and with the chanting techniques he taught, we were able to help guide my father-in-law to a better realm upon his passing.

These experiences have reinforced the importance of cultivating in the midst of daily life. As Master Zhang says, this is how we truly forge our heart and body. While I'm still far from any notable achievement, I'm deeply grateful for his guidance and teachings. I'm committed to continuing my practice until the day I attain enlightenment.

I wish Master Zhang and all my fellow practitioners great health, success, and spiritual progress in the year ahead. With a willing heart, anything is possible.

Kelly Ong

Wong (Singapore)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

If anyone is looking at improving their health, mind set and spirituality, you must learn from Master Zhang....

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Kelly Ong

Wong (Singapore)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

If anyone is looking at improving their health, mind set and spirituality, you must learn from Master Zhang. He’ll teach you how to fish but not just give it to you. It is empowering when you know you can do something about your own life with proper guidance and you are able to do your practice, correctly and effectively.

Kelly Ong

Ms Goh, Manager (Singapore)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

Some thoughts I want to share why the class by teacher Zhang is fabulous....

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Kelly Ong

Ms Goh, Manager (Singapore)

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

Some thoughts I want to share why the class by teacher Zhang is fabulous.

I am pleasantly surprised by how Master Zhang explains the purpose of a Buddhist disciple is evolving from being a good person to becoming a Buddha in this life. The way Teacher separates the stages of evolution is very clear and inspiring for the audience. Many Buddhists in the crowd would have questions such as "is being a good Buddhist enough?" and "What can I do to transcend to the next level for a better life (aka the insect story where caterpillar evolves to butterfly)?" I have been inspired by Master Zhang’s teachings to do more. Even an insect cares more for its own evolution than I have at this point. I am amazed that his teachings are clear and easy to understand. He gives us the encouragement and confidence for a student to think and say "Maybe if I try, and with the Master's guidance, I can improve my spiritual growth and transcend!" I’m looking forward to learning more from Master Zhang to accelerate my evolutionary journey. See you in class!

Kelly Ong

Nana Lim, Director, Hong Kong

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

My husband faces many obstacles in his career path, and through Master Zhang’s teachings, he learned not to argue or fight...

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Kelly Ong

Nana Lim, Director, Hong Kong

  • Stories on Practitioners’ Transformation

My husband faces many obstacles in his career path, and through Master Zhang’s teachings, he learned not to argue or fight with his bosses and to support and help them instead. He will register them for prayer sessions to help clear their karmic debt. He learned not to end meetings on a bad note and to make sure that you always end the meeting amicably with all parties so as not to create additional karma. He can maintain his calm and demeanor in very difficult situations, especially when dealing with seniors. He can maintain a meditative state while chaos surrounds him during political or contentious meetings with senior people at work.

Most importantly, he learned not to waste time thinking about what his next career move should be. Just do your job as best you can and don’t go looking for opportunities. So long as you work hard, support your boss and your company, be a good cultivator, and uphold your virtues, opportunities will come knocking. When that happens, do not question or doubt. Just go with the flow. After attending Master Zhang 's courses, my husband has been able to apply many of his teachings in his day job and managed to secure his dream job a couple of years ago, doing what he loves now.

James Wong

Mr Phang, Singapore

  • Treasure Gems (Products)

Our family of three had previously returned to China to attend the funeral of a close relative....

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James Wong

Mr Phang, Singapore

  • Treasure Gems (Products)

Our family of three had previously returned to China to attend the funeral of a close relative. In the middle of one night, when we were resting in the hotel room, our teenage daughter suddenly felt very uneasy and panicked, claiming to have seen some inauspicious images in the room. I was at a loss for what to do, and suddenly remembered the consecrated pure silver Vajra Cross I had acquired from OOSS.

Our daughter kept her eyes closed, trembling with fear, too scared to open them. I quickly found the Vajra Cross and gently placed it around her neck. The moment I fastened the Vajra Cross around her, she awakened from her fear-induced state, asking us what had happened.

It appeared she had lost that portion of her memory, unable to recall the terrifying scenes from before. It was as if it had all been a dream, and under the protection and blessing of the Vajra Cross, she regained her calmness.

My Chinese wife witnessed what happened and requested that I acquire a Vajra Cross for her. We are grateful to Master Zhang, OOSS, and our friend who recommended this treasure to us! It truly came through for us; otherwise, that night, I wouldn't have known how to save my daughter.

Kelly Ong

Joseph, Kuala Lumpur

  • Treasure Gems (Products)

My mother does energy balancing with the vajra pendant which has been consecrated by Master Zhang Bu Sheng...

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Kelly Ong

Joseph, Kuala Lumpur

  • Treasure Gems (Products)

My mother does energy balancing with the vajra pendant which has been consecrated by Master Zhang Bu Sheng on my Girlfriend and I recently. I felt a surge of energy flow into my body immediately and the balancing is completed within 5 minutes. This was the fastest treatment my mother performed as she usually take 1 hour to create such effect. The energy was so strong that led me to ask Master Zhang on why it has such an effect. He explained that the six-directional vajra, energy from heaven and earth will consolidate at the centre to feed energy to our soul. When negative entities come near us, they will be dissolved into light. Hence, these negative entities will stay away from you as a form of protection. The energy was so great that I wanted my family to benefit as well so I bought a total of 6 vajra pendant for my family. I went on to get the crystal balls to facilitate my healing process too.

As I have been sick for many years, whenever things got better, I faced obstacles to hinder my recovery process. I was very blessed to invite Master Zhang to my home for the fengshui audit. My house is “sick” too, no wonder I haven’t been able to recover fully no matter what methods I’ve tried. My house is in an odd-shape and it is unfavourable for the males of the house, especially the health of the eldest son aka me. I witnessed how Master Zhang did an “energy surgical procedure” to my house. He cleared away the negative entities in my house. His team moved some furniture to let the “Qi” flow smoothly, my girlfriend who is more sensitive by nature. She felt a shift of energy and light all of a sudden. Master Zhang consecrated my home too. My shingles, skin issues, and prolonged coughing have improved tremendously. I have been recovering well since his visit. I’m confident that I will recover fully. After the Feng Shui audit, I noticed that my two pets' dogs became more energetic. I will attend the upcoming “Spinal Rejuvenation Course” with my Girlfriend to restore our health and vitality!

Kelly Ong

Zeoane Goh, Singapore

  • Treasure Gems (Products)

Since November 2022, we have been blessed to welcome the Red, Green, Black, and White Wealth Gods into our home, along...

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Kelly Ong

Zeoane Goh, Singapore

  • Treasure Gems (Products)

Since November 2022, we have been blessed to welcome the Red, Green, Black, and White Wealth Gods into our home, along with the Yellow Wealth God, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Manjushri, the Green and White Taras at our existing altar.

Under the guidance of our esteemed mentor, Master Zhang Bu Sheng, we placed these treasure vases and wealth pagodas, bringing prosperity and positive energy into our household.

After establishing our Wealth Gods’ shrine, the results were miraculous!

We are thankful to receive promotions and salary increases at work, our elder siblings also provided timely support during the Chinese New Year, and our elderly enjoyed financial fortunes, contributing additional wealth to the family too. Recently, our master advocated the use of the terahertz wave product series, we gifted these to our family members to ensure they recharge their bodies daily and stay free from illness. They were very open to trying this new technology to alleviate their minor and major ailments. Through our personal experiences, we have truly benefited and received endorsements from our family and classmates, encouraging friends to also purchase the terahertz series products from us. In the past two months, we are grateful for everyone’s support, we have made an additional S$2000 monthly to supplement our living expenses, participation in the pujas and other activities.

This allows us to continue our mission of spreading the Dharma with greater peace of mind. We are thankful to Master Zhang for providing us with this platform, giving us the opportunity to partake in this loving act of kindness. Let’s continue to spread love together!

Kelly Ong

Mr Tan, Singapore

  • Treasure Gems (Products)

When I brought the vases home, I could feel the energy of the house become very light and peaceful...

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Kelly Ong

Mr Tan, Singapore

  • Treasure Gems (Products)

When I brought the vases home, I could feel the energy of the house become very light and peaceful. I also feel energised and better. The energy of the vases extended throughout the whole house! But what made me decide to buy the remaining is the thought that Teacher’s master created each of these vases with a reason. And also Teacher brought these vases to kl and Singapore as he thinks they are important. While I am ignorant of the importance but I trust Teacher’s judgement that these vases are good to have. Otherwise his master would not taken the trouble to empower them and Teacher and team would not have spent so much effort to make them and make them available to us. - From our catholic student.

After I listened to Master Zhang’s teaching on how we can maximise the energy from the Dharma treasures to help us with our cultivation and resolve issues we faced in life, I’ve decided to get the Yellow Dzambhala Treasure Vase and Wealth Pagoda back to do an experiment last year. I was pretty tight on cash, hence I’ve requested for the Masters to help me. 10 years ago, I’ve invested in my buddy’s company but I didn’t receive any dividend and I might not be able to get my money back as years passed. I was informed that my buddy left the company but he transferred half of the amount to my bank account. I was extremely grateful! I‘ve been trying to get the other half of the amount back for the past one year but didn’t receive any response on this. Teacher mentioned about how all treasures and gems came from earth and I was especially attracted to the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Treasure Vase, and I bought the treasure back. After I was done with the Dzogchen Puja and Zhong Yuan Puja, I received a message from my buddy that he transferred the other half amount to my account. A big thank you to all the masters for your compassion so that I can get back my money to tide over this period too. Thanks to OOSS & Master Zhang for giving me this chance to contribute to the Puja and symposium.

James Wong

Feng Shui (Singapore Power Grid)

  • Projects that Master Zhang has worked on in Singapore include

This was a major civil engineering project awarded to a Japanese Contractor. It comprised a 5.5km, 80m deep tunnel...

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James Wong

Feng Shui (Singapore Power Grid)

  • Projects that Master Zhang has worked on in Singapore include

Jurong Island to Pioneer Rd Cable Transmission Tunnels

This was a major civil engineering project awarded to a Japanese Contractor. It comprised a 5.5km, 80m deep tunnel and 6m in diameter. The contractor was experiencing slow progress since their French subcontractor was struggling to work during the night. They were experiencing electricity cuts for no apparent reason, new machinery constantly breaking down and staff refusing to work.

Master Zhang was commissioned to Fung Shui the offices, work site and tunnel. He successfully cleansed the site, balanced the energy and obtained the necessary approvals from the Masters for work to continue. As a result of Master Zhang’s Fung Shui work, site work re-commenced immediately and he ensured the smooth running of the project for 6 years with ZERO site accidents. The tunnels were successfully commissioned on time.

James Wong

Feng Shui – (Singapore Power Grid)

  • Projects that Master Zhang has worked on in Singapore include

This was a concurrent major civil engineering contract awarded to a Korean Contractor. Comprising of several tunnels...

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James Wong

Feng Shui – (Singapore Power Grid)

  • Projects that Master Zhang has worked on in Singapore include

North - South Cable Transmission Tunnel
This was a concurrent major civil engineering contract awarded to a Korean Contractor. Comprising of several tunnels, 8km long, 60m deep and 6m in diameter in central Singapore. The Contractor had experience several major accidents, severe delay and general unease between the Client, Consultant and Contractor.

Master Zhang was commissioned to Feng Shui the worksite and tunnels in order to balance the site energy and restore confidence in the site teams. Master Zhang obtained the Master’s permission to excavate underground, and construction continued so well that, although it was the most problematic contract, it was successfully completed first, on time, with no further accidents.

- Mr Neil Smith

I used to suffer from chest pain and difficulty in breathing. Ever since I participated in the Puja to liberate the souls of deceased ancestors guided by Master Zhang, my chest pain disappeared and my breath became smooth. My company also turned around after Master Zhang adjusted the Fengshui, and I was able to collect payables long overdue. I really hope everyone can join the pujas guided by Master Zhang, to experience the benefits and gains themselves. My gratitude goes toward Master Zhang for his selfless contribution and thoughtful guidance, from which I will surely benefit for a lifetime.

I also invited Master Zhang to adjust the Fengshui in my new house. Meanwhile, I’m deeply in debt to Shifu for connecting me to the masters high above. I’ll forever remember all the blessings and mercies I’ve been granted by the masters above, and will work hard to practice and help all sentient beings.

Ziling Xu, Malaysia

One day, a double rainbow appeared above my house, and something bad happened to my family. Shifu returned to Singapore at that time, so he couldn’t come to adjust to the Fengshui in my house. My child had a high fever because his soul didn’t return to his body, and he had been in a coma with a fever. I could only try to control the fever but could not place the protection. Thus, I asked Shifu for help. Although Shifu was in Singapore, he could remotely place the protection over my house, which was a miracle! I may not be lucky to meet someone so successful in the next life, so I will practice hard in this life!

- Anonymous, Malaysia

Christian Blair

Chan Weihong (Singapore)

As I reflect on my journey to the ancient centres (Europe and Egypt) of the world, I'm struck by the profound impact it has had on me...

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Christian Blair

Chan Weihong (Singapore)

As I reflect on my journey to the ancient centres (Europe and Egypt) of the world, I'm struck by the profound impact it has had on me. Since childhood, I've been captivated by mythological stories—tales of Heracles and Achilles, and films like "The Ten Commandments" and "Ben-Hur." These stories of valour and divinity were my companions, shaping my imagination and my understanding of the world.

This trip, led by Master Zhang, turned these childhood stories into a vivid reality. We walked through the realms of antiquity, and with each step, the ancient sages' messages came to life through their timeless monuments and architecture. It was more than just sightseeing; it was an emotional pilgrimage that often moved me to tears.

Standing before the Sphinx in Egypt, I was overwhelmed by a sense of continuity with the past. The great men who once stood here have long passed, but their quest for eternity remains relevant. It reminded me of the poem 'Ozymandias' that I had learned in school, its words echoing the impermanence of glory. The pharaohs, despite their earthly power, sought something everlasting—a pursuit that seems even more poignant amidst the fleeting nature of today's materialistic world.

This journey has been a reminder that the search for meaning is timeless. As I continue to navigate the modern world, the lessons from these ancient lands resonate within me, urging me to seek beyond the tangible and embrace the eternal quest for enlightenment.

Kelly Ong

Ling (Singapore)

In Vatican City, Master Zhang Bu Sheng orchestrated an encounter that transcended mortal boundaries....

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Kelly Ong

Ling (Singapore)

A Divine Conversation Unveiled
In Vatican City, Master Zhang Bu Sheng orchestrated an encounter that transcended mortal boundaries. The organ’s notes swirled, intertwining with my soul. Tears flowed—a communion with the divine. Bitterness dissolved; trials were threads in my cosmic tapestry.

A Willful Child Returns Home
The voice that broke the silence was a gentle whisper—an invitation to remember who I truly was. “For you to become the woman you are today,” it murmured, “to do God’s work in this world, you needed to go through what you had to emerge stronger.” Trials were essential for my becoming. Surrender followed—not defeat, but acceptance. I transcended earthly limits, soaring through realms where time lost meaning. I broke free from self-imposed bondage. Surrender, Transcendence, Liberation. A big thank you to my spiritual guide Master Zhang for this mind-blowing experience.

James Wong

Edmund Kiu (Singapore )

  • Stories on Russia

I hesitated for quite some time before I decided to sign up on this journey. The great shock...

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James Wong

Edmund Kiu (Singapore )

  • Stories on Russia

I hesitated for quite some time before I decided to sign up on this journey. The great shock which I had encountered during this trip assured me that I had done the right thing this time.

I went to a church school when I was a child, so I knew about Jesus. I began to resist the church because I didn't agree with what they say - "people will go to hell If you don't believe in Christ."

During this cultivation trip, when we were at the Transfiguration Church in St. Petersburg, I closed my eyes and contemplated on a painting of Jesus with an angel on the wall. Suddenly I felt that Jesus was right in front of me with his open arms as if to say "Child, welcome home." My defense was crumbled at that instant. I was like a child who had been away from home for a long time but upon my return, my family was so understanding and welcomed me. The knot in my heart was untied at last!

Simon Tan, Singapore

✨"Rapid Recovery with the Metaverse Energy Device 🌐✨

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Simon Tan, Singapore

✨"Rapid Recovery with the Metaverse Energy Device 🌐✨ When a severe ankle sprain left me in agony, even after a bone-setting session, I was desperate for relief. I started using the Metaverse Energy Device which I bought for my family to use and I would like to see if it helped with the blockages in my ankle area. To my amazement, just two sessions brought about a dramatic turnaround. The pain subsided significantly, and I could walk normally again. It was more than just a device; it was a gateway to a pain-free life.

Fang Ying, Singapore

I recently tried the level 10 for 30 minutes, and the results were incredible! It felt like a gentle electric current flowed through my entire body, leaving a delightful tingling sensation. Even though I didn’t sweat much, the pain in my back noticeably improved. I felt lighter and more relaxed overall. On my way home […]

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Fang Ying, Singapore

I recently tried the level 10 for 30 minutes, and the results were incredible! It felt like a gentle electric current flowed through my entire body, leaving a delightful tingling sensation. Even though I didn’t sweat much, the pain in my back noticeably improved. I felt lighter and more relaxed overall. On my way home from work, my steps were noticeably brisker! When our energy is depleted, it’s time to recharge. After this trial, I promptly placed an order. The Metaverse Energy Device is truly a gem. Considering its price, it’s remarkably affordable compared to similar products in the market. Grateful for the opportunity to invest in my well-being at such a reasonable cost.

Zeoane Goh, Singapore

When using the Metaverse Energy Device for the first time, I set the energy level to level 5 (maximum is 20) and used it for 30 minutes. During the process, the warmth emitted by the device and the terahertz waves gradually rose from the soles of my feet to my calves, thighs, and upper body. […]

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Zeoane Goh, Singapore

When using the Metaverse Energy Device for the first time, I set the energy level to level 5 (maximum is 20) and used it for 30 minutes. During the process, the warmth emitted by the device and the terahertz waves gradually rose from the soles of my feet to my calves, thighs, and upper body. After five minutes, I began sweating lightly on my forehead, head, back, and calves. Ten minutes later, small beads of sweat formed, aiding detoxification in different parts of the body. This experience felt like the effects of running for thirty minutes. Sitting comfortably in a chair with both feet placed on the device felt warm and invigorating! Truly a lazy person's exercise machine! After using the Metaverse Energy Device, it’s good to drink a cup of water. It is beneficial for bowel movement and urination. My body feels warm the whole day, and my soles also have the sensation of current flowing through from time to time. For those with difficulty sweating and poor blood circulation, this is indeed an excellent detoxification remedy.
Kelly Ong

Professor Miao (Canada)

My account of the transformative experience during the energy adjustments near Montreal, Quebec, and Toronto...

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Kelly Ong

Professor Miao (Canada)

My account of the transformative experience during the energy adjustments near Montreal, Quebec, and Toronto in November 2022:

  1. The Energy of Dragon Meridians:
    As I arrived a day early to accompany Master and fellow disciples, I sensed an otherworldly presence. The air crackled with energy, and my body seemed enveloped in a luminous cocoon. Little did I know that our host, lived near the auspicious Vermilion Phoenix Dragon Meridian. Throughout the ten-day energy adjustments, my morning practices were nothing short of miraculous. The proximity to dragon veins underscored the importance of sacred spaces in our cultivation journey. Ancient wisdom had always emphasized the significance of "earth" as one of the four essential elements, and now I understand it viscerally.
  2. Master's Zhang Field:
    The day Master arrived in Montreal, we gathered for a welcome dinner. As I sat directly across from Master, a torrent of heat surged into my Huangting (Yellow Court) region. My chest and abdomen perspired profusely, and this was my first intimate encounter with Master's powerful field. I marveled at the fortunate brothers who perpetually surrounded the Master—truly immeasurable blessings. Cherish such moments, for they are rare jewels in our spiritual path.
  3. Wonders of Dragon Meridians:
    During the energy adjustments, each location Master pointed out revealed a complete set of the four mystic creatures associated with dragon meridians. Whether naturally formed or meticulously crafted, these sites adhered to the principles of feng shui. It dawned on me that true geomancy isn't mystical but rather a description of nature's laws. Western planners and designers, too, deserve admiration—they seamlessly blend architecture with elemental energies.
  4. Validation of Energy Adjustments:
    After Master Zhang’s interventions, the skies above dragon meridians danced with magic—cloud formations, rainbows, and ethereal hues. Sensitive practitioners sensed the newfound clarity. As part of the Dragon Seekers, our mission extends beyond personal growth. Let us discover more dragon meridians, benefiting all beings on their path to enlightenment.
Kelly Ong

Zeoane Goh – Stories on Japan

  • Singapore

Embark on a meditative quest for the Eastern Dragon’s Pearl and witness personal growth and unity with the cosmos...

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Kelly Ong

Zeoane Goh – Stories on Japan

  • Singapore

Embark on a meditative quest for the Eastern Dragon’s Pearl and witness personal growth and unity with the cosmos. Nature’s embrace reveals the Sun’s generosity, the sky’s infinity, and Earth’s love, fostering gratitude and peace within.

Tracing back to Shingon and Tendai Esoteric Buddhism’s roots with Professor Zhang, we tapped into ancient wisdom, feeling it resonate within us. A profound meditation before the Mahavairocana image evoked an epiphany about my true, unchanging self, aligning with the Dharmakaya shared with the sages.

The ascent of Mount Fuji, a challenging adventure, led to the discovery of the Vermillion Bird. Despite the cold, my energy center blazed with warmth, transforming my constitution and reinforcing my connection with the ancient practices.

Kelly Ong

Simon Tan – Stories on Hong Kong

  • Singapore

Our journey was filled with amazing synchronicity. Due to typhoon, we were not allowed to enter the institution...

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Kelly Ong

Simon Tan – Stories on Hong Kong

  • Singapore

Our journey was filled with amazing synchronicity. Due to typhoon, we were not allowed to enter the institution which we had planned for our meditation. In the end, Master Zhang led us to another higher and better location to experience the pearl of the nine dragons.

Another energy epicenter was beside the book exhibition. We were stopped by security from entering the Kowloon park due to level 8 typhoon. Hence, we went to the energy point beside the busy bookfair area. It was quiet and peaceful as everyone was hiding from the level 8 typhoon, but we were there to do our prayers. It was then we realized that our schedule was planned in such a way that the crowd would start coming in the afternoon. It would be very packed, and we wouldn't have been able to do what we needed to.

At Kowloon Park epicenter, It was bright and sunny but we were blessed to have purple clouds above shielding us from the sun. Once we completed our practice, it started raining. How amazing and timely!

We were thankful for the Celestial Masters and the Protectors of the Law for protecting us during this journey. We were very blessed to witness how Master Zhang Bu Sheng with his power dissolved a level 8 typhoon. We recited Mahamayuri mantra, activated the dragon pearl and shifted the energy field of the location we were in. In the end, the level 8 typhoon was gone! Everything happened with perfect timing; we just had to follow the process of life and we were blessed with abundance!

Kelly Ong

Jannis Wah (Singapore)

The Taiwan meditation retreat was a one-of-a-kind experience. Previously, when I went to places of nature i.e. mountains and forests...

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Kelly Ong

Jannis Wah (Singapore)

The Taiwan meditation retreat was a one-of-a-kind experience. Previously, when I went to places of nature i.e. mountains and forests, it was an enjoyment of scenic sights and nature’s sounds. However, during this trip, it was a deeper experience. With Master Zhang Bu Sheng’s guidance, we were able to receive healing energies of nature. Indeed, I felt a difference after the divine accessed the space – the atmosphere either was lighter and brighter or denser with vibrational energy which was something I had yet to experience during my prior trips to nature on my own!

It was also amazing that my mom, who joined me for the trip, felt the difference too and was excited to share her experience with her friends when she got home. For someone who has gastritis and needs to have routine meals of warm/hot food, she was surprised that her gastritis didn’t act up when she only ate raw food during the Bigu (grain avoidance) experience which was of much lesser amounts during the trip.

The trip was also culturally enriching as we visited several temples in Kao Hsiung, Alishan, Yilan and Taipei. I got to learn how certain architectural and geographical indications of the various temples represent our bodies which made me more convinced that undeniably there are science and justifications behind culture and meditation practices. Besides being more appreciative of culture passed from generation to generation, this is important for me as it relates to Life and Living.

Christian Blair

Kelly, Malaysia

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to embark on this spiritual journey. Guided by our revered Master and surrounded by...

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Christian Blair

Kelly, Malaysia

A Profound Spiritual Journey: Insights from My Esoteric Practice
I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to embark on this spiritual journey. Guided by our revered Master and surrounded by fellow practitioners, I delved into the profound teachings of "Dual Cultivation of Body and Mind" and the quest for the true self. Although family responsibilities necessitated my early departure from the group, I feel fortunate to have learned the correct methods of practice (benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, faithfulness) alongside my fellow seekers.

The Unexpected Benefits of Fasting:
During this trip, I experienced fasting for the first time—an extraordinary and joyful revelation. The fasting method surprised me; not only did it sustain my energy levels, but it also transformed my complexion, dispelling the pallor I had previously carried. Even upon returning home, I no longer feel the perpetual fatigue that once plagued me.

Incomprehensible Wisdom:
While listening to Master Zhang’s lectures, I often found myself in a state of partial understanding. However, when we visited sacred energy points, subtle realizations dawned upon me. It's challenging to articulate, but there was an inexplicable joy—a deep resonance with the teachings—that filled my heart. I wonder if my fellow practitioners share this sensation? 😆

Gratitude to Our Master and Fellow Practitioners:
I extend heartfelt gratitude to the masters who generously imparted their wisdom and blessings. Their compassionate guidance has enriched our journey. Equally deserving of thanks are my fellow practitioners and the dedicated staff who selflessly supported us throughout this transformative pilgrimage.

Anticipation for Future Encounters:
As we part ways for now, I eagerly await our next reunion. May our paths cross again, and may our dual cultivation of wisdom and compassion continue to flourish. 🌕

May all our aspirations be fulfilled, and may the intertwining threads of fortune and wisdom lead us toward enlightenment. 🙏🏻

John Lee

Luu Man Chi (Vietnam)

*Nepal, a land where ancient wisdom and mystical energy converge, became the backdrop for my life-changing retreat with...

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John Lee

Luu Man Chi (Vietnam)

A Journey of Awakening: My Experience with Master Zhang

*Nepal, a land where ancient wisdom and mystical energy converge, became the backdrop for my life-changing retreat with **Master Zhang Bu Sheng*. As a non-Chinese speaker, I embarked on this journey with curiosity and an open heart, ready to explore the unseen realms that Master Zhang promised to reveal.

The Unseen Becomes Tangible

Before Nepal, I had my doubts. How could I grasp concepts like dark matter, which eluded our physical senses? Yet, as we ventured deeper into the heart of the Himalayas, something shifted within me. Master Zhang's teachings began to resonate, transcending language barriers. His words carried the weight of truth, and I surrendered to their frequency.

The Mini Universe Within

Master Zhang led us to sacred sites along the Dragon Meridian line—a cosmic highway that connects us to the pulse of existence. Here, the external landscape mirrored our internal universe. Manmade structures aligned with natural formations, revealing the interconnectedness of all things. I realized that within my body lay a microcosm—a reflection of the world's macrocosm.

Padmasambhava's Blessing

Our visit to Padmasambhava's sanctuary left an indelible mark on my soul. As Master Zhang opened the energy field, time and space blurred. Tears flowed as I felt the presence of ancient wisdom. Padmasambhava, the great master, welcomed me home. In that moment, I understood the purpose of my journey—to reawaken forgotten memories and reclaim my spiritual heritage.

Energy Recharge While We Sleep

Our accommodations were strategically chosen—each resting on the Dragon Meridian line. As I slept, my energy centres absorbed the Earth's vitality. It was as if the mountains whispered secrets into my dreams. I woke up rejuvenated, my body humming with newfound vigour. The unseen energy fields had become tangible companions.

Lessons Beyond Language

Although I couldn't understand Chinese, I learned to bypass words and attune to the essence of Master Zhang's teachings. Sensations in my body validated their effectiveness. The Dragon Meridian practices worked—they harmonized my being, bridging the gap between the visible and invisible.

The Path Ahead

Enlightenment isn't an easy road, but Master Zhang embodies its essence. His guidance fuels my faith. I eagerly await future retreats, knowing that the truths he imparts are timeless. So, fellow seekers, keep an open mind. Come, witness, and experience. There's nothing to lose—only awakening awaits.

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