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Monthly Puja Packages

Monthly Puja Packages

“The Southern Dipper is in charge of life; the Northern Dipper is in charge of death”. Pray for eliminating misfortunes, blessings, longevity, and protection of lives!

Merit Sponsorship Packages*

  1. Single 199
  2. Family 399 (including parents, siblings, children)
  3. Extended Family 599 (including parents of the past seven lives, parents of this life, brothers and sisters, children and nine ancestral generations)
  4. Company 599 (including the karmic creditors of all employees and customers)
  5. Great Merit Sponsorship 1000 (including the extended family, 1 package for six realms and 1 offering set for Southern Dipper, medicine and all-natural incense offering, free 3 months spiritual liberation tablets on family’s karmic creditors and blessing tablet.)
  6. Great Merit Sponsorship 2000 (including Great Merit Sponsorship 1000, 1 Dharma vessel, ancestral and past lives clothing box, offering set of town god and earth deity, karmic creditor set, partial clothing bags and boxes).
  7. Great Merit Sponsorship 3000 (including Great Merit Sponsorship 2000, 1 more dharma vessel, all clothing boxes and bags, free 6 months spiritual liberation tablets on family’s karmic creditors and blessing tablet).
  8. Great Merit Sponsorship 5000 (including Great Merit Sponsorship 3000, 5 Dharma vessels, free 24 months spiritual liberation tablets on family’s karmic creditors and blessing tablet)
  • The packages include spiritual liberation tablets, blessing tablet, a set of 9-lamps and joss paper (a complete set of offerings for the upper, middle and lower three realms).
  • 9 lamps include Taishang Laojun, Nine Emperor Gods (Doumu), God of Wealth, Mahamayuri, Dragon Dharma Protectors and Eight Legions, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Three Sages of Western Pure Land and Mother Earth.
  • Different packages come with different quantities and types of tablets too. Let us dedicate merits to all.
  • Those who registered for the Merit Sponsorship Packages, we will burn a Southern Dipper prayer letter on your behalf.
    To thank the Great Merit Sponsor** for your support, 9 complimentary sessions of hyperbaric health therapy (hyperbaric oxygen) (Gift certificate worth S$810) – Applicable in Singapore.

*The price of the packages depends on local operating conditions.


John Lee

Terence Ng, Singapore

Last Sunday, my wife sent the puja link to her friend with a third eye. And she always encounters souls approaching her for help. When the chanting session started, she purposely turned up the volume of her laptop to the maximum. After the puja had ended, she decided to go out for an errand, and she was surprised that 5 to 6 souls were waiting for her outside the house. She was a bit surprised by the small gathering. And when she approached them, they told her they were there to thank her. The puja, a powerful spiritual practice, helped to reduce their grievances. This lady participated in our previous puja. She commented that after a while, most of those souls she had invited to attend had reincarnated. Before going for reincarnation, one of the souls asked her friend to thank my wife on her behalf, as my wife always asked the friend to invite them to the puja.

James Wong

A Singapore Practitioner

Dear All,
I want to share the benefits of writing red tablets for my company. I am a supply planner and part of the APAC team of around 30 people that regulates the supplies and inventory level for the entire APAC region.

In the last three years, the APAC team has encountered three difficult periods due to increasing inventories and poor sales, especially at the beginning of this year, when COVID-19 first hit the world. The US HQ pushed us like mad to meet the inventory target, which most of us felt was too stretched and unrealistic.

So, each time I encountered this hurdle, I would write a red tablet, especially to wish that the APAC team could meet the inventory target effectively. I didn’t expect much, but after "writing the tablet" things would happen to lead us in the right direction and take effective actions to achieve what everyone thought was an impossible target.

Therefore, I believe writing a S$50 puja red tablet, or 3 months S$90 Buddhist Hall tablet to wish for specific help in our work to overcome a specific problem is an affordable and effective solution

If you are facing a major hurdle at work, it will be also be recommended to do the company spiritual liberation tablet, I am a believer in doing it because I see a transformation in the quality of my work-life after doing it consistently for 5 years. Here are some examples:

  1. From colleagues that are not supportive -> colleagues that naturally want to help and stand by me
  2. From bosses who are not empathetic or supportive -> to bosses who support, acknowledge, and reward my work.
  3. From heavy workload and long OT hours -> to manageable workload and normal working hours
  4. From oppression by bad office politics -> to being acknowledged and respected by factions that used to oppress

I am grateful to OOSS for these things, and I share them because I wish more people were aware of the benefits of the company liberation tablet and the red tablet.

Kelly Ong

Ms Lew, Kuala Lumpur

Gratitude to Heavenly Masters’ blessing and empowerment
With the free time I had recently, I have decided to work as a volunteer at OOSS Kuala Lumpur to do something meaningful and I also signed up for the puja as usual.

I did not expect anything to happen; only wished to dedicate myself and complete the work.
As Master Zhang suggested, I made a wish during the puja, too, to move somewhere I had my eye on.

Several months ago, I found a nice apartment that was a bit pricy, and the landlord was reluctant to lower the price. The good news came this morning: the owner suddenly agreed to take my price, and my loan went through smoothly. It is incredible! A sincere dedication to the puja saved me a great deal of money and worries.

As a student, please accept my immense gratitude to Master Zhang and tremendous gratitude to all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and the divine for their support and protection! 🙏🙏🙏
Tomorrow will be the last of the puja; please do not miss this extraordinary puja.

A personal experience from Kuala Lumpur on 24 June 2020.

Jason Nang

Chen Li Wei, Taiwan

Before the puja started on the puja day, I perceived numerous ancient pagodas and a deep and dark cave in front of me. Cold winds blew with trees swaying and leaves swirling in every direction.

When the puja started, I perceived many sentient beings appearing at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Hall on the right side of the altar. Many of them had physical defects and were grimacing in great pain. In the middle of the altar were many ancient prison cages where sentient beings were being held captive without proper clothing. Their dark bodies were covered with dirt. My heart was in great pain from this sight, and I started to shed tears. As the puja progressed, all the sentient beings boarded the Amitabha vessels without any exception.

During the puja, I also saw some of the staff seated at the back release karmic debts.

Though Master Zhang presided over the puja in Singapore, his dharma prowess could be felt in Taiwan, where it helped to liberate innumerable sentient beings. Witnessing such an effect in Taiwan, the outcome must have been the same for other regions beyond Singapore as well!

Merit Accumulation Activities

99 sets only! Include 1 set of longevity dippers, 1 set of 3-day lamps, 1 set of six unity wishing letters, 1 prayer letter. Group offering of dragon robes (large), longevity dippers (large), pineapple joss papers (large) and offerings.

Southern Dipper controls human’s three spiritual souls. These three spiritual souls rely on the Southern Dipper. When these three spiritual souls do not leave the body, death will not occur. Make an offering to the Southern Dipper.

With the blessings of the heavenly masters, this helps to resolve our karmic debts, liberate the karmic creditors and sentient beings to the other shore.

Light is the vital energy needed by every living being. The dedication of light is a way to help all beings to obtain immeasurable light.

Let us thank our ancestors and parents of the past seven lifetimes for everything they have given us. May the parents of this life be blessed with longevity!

Mass giving of medicine to all sentient beings in the dharma world, may they be liberated from all diseases. The merits of offering incense are the elimination of karmic debts, good fortune, dignity in the next life, wish fulfillment, free from evil and gradual liberation!

Forge positive affinity with the sentient beings of six realms by making mass offerings to all.

We may have faced obstacles and unhappiness because of karma, which accumulates over eons of time. Karmic creditors who were offended or hurt in past lives carry strong resentment toward us. We may recompense them with joss papers to appease their hatred.

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