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Eternal Ancestral Hall

Eternal Ancestral Hall

Eternal Ancestral Memorial Hall
Honouring Heaven & Ancestors,
Inheriting Ancestral Virtues,
Glory to the Lineage & Ancestors

Daily Act of Filial Piety,
Daily Karma Elimination,
Continuous Offering by Descendants,
Eternal Ancestral Prayers.
Ancestral Offering Truly Changes One’s Destiny!

Five Ancestral Prayers — The memorial hall will hold Four Surnames Ancestral Offering rites during the five major festivals: Qing Ming, Duan Wu, Zhong Yuan, Chong Yang, & Dong Zhi. During these periods, you can perform ancestral worship and set up memorial tablets for your ancestors!

Eternal Ancestral Worship — You can erect a long-term tablet for your ancestors in this memorial hall. We provide eight offerings daily & sutras for spiritual liberation are played 24/7 in the prayer hall!

Key Features:

  1. The consecrated space allows the departed souls to cultivate and enhance their energy levels.
  2. Setting up the Four Surnames Ancestral Offering releases the negative karmic imprints of the ancestors. When the negative dark spots within the ancestral DNA are purified into light, huge amounts of karmic debts will be eliminated for you.
  3. Devoted personnel provide daily offerings of incense, food, and “eight offerings”, including water, flowers, incense, and lamps.
  4. Our stringent discipleship system ensures The continuity of the ancestral hall through time.
  5. As a spiritual practitioner, you can resonate with your ancestors at a deeper level. A small act of virtue by the ancestors will become a great blessing for the descendants.
  6. Free vegetarian food will be provided for the ancestors during the annual five ancestral prayers & the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year.
  7. Filial descendants may set up a banquet at a discounted rate to honor their ancestors further with Tao Seat or Virtue Zone & pray for their blessings.

Singapore Ancestral Hall: Three zones A, B, C are available for you!

Kuala Lumpur Ancestral Hall: Four zones A, B, C, D are available for you!

Small and large families (3 to 6 memorial tablets) can enjoy more discounts.


Christian Blair

Mr. Wong, Malaysia

Why did I set up an ancestral tablet?

When I first heard of the eternal ancestral tablet, I was very keen for 3 reasons. Firstly, as a Catholic, I believe in the existence of purgatory. This is where souls who are supposedly not good enough to enter heaven but not bad enough to be condemned to hell, reside. In purgatory, they would suffer for their sins till they were cleansed of their sins before ascending to heaven. Hence, at every Catholic mass, prayers are often made for the holy souls in purgatory and our loved ones who have passed on. This is because we truly believe that prayers can help liberate their souls.

Secondly, there are no equivalent 24x7 prayer halls for the deceased in the Catholic Churches in Malaysia.

Thirdly, it is because I believe in Master Zhang’s methodology and ability. If it was proposed by some other teachers, I would be hesitant to set up an ancestral tablet.

Did my action to set up a tablet in a Buddhist hall compromise my belief as a Catholic? I equate that question to, “Does driving a Honda make me less Malaysian? “I remained a Catholic and a student of Master Zhang.

Jason Nang

The Chai Siblings, Singapore

I was wondering if I should I set up a tablet for my father after his death at a famous temple in Singapore or at the OOSS ancestral hall? We spoke to our late father and he wanted his tablet be placed at the OOSS ancestral hall. My family chose Zone A for our father as an act of our filial piety.

🔆 FAQs with Master Zhang Bu Sheng on Ancestral Worship Culture‼️

👨‍🏫 Yes, the difference lies in the level of respectability. The higher the position, the higher the prestige for the ancestors! You may upgrade later subject to availability.

👨‍🏫 Get the ancestral tablet of the four surnames first, & then get another tablet of the past seven generations of parents & ancestors.

👨‍🏫 1. Ancestors of the four surnames 2. Parents of the paternal family 3. Parents of the maternal family 4. Parents and ancestors of past seven lifetimes 5. Spouse or individual 6. Siblings 7. Children

👨‍🏫 This is established for someone while they are alive. Through the offering of incense and food, blessings are created for the living. This can bring energy to the divine consciousness, maintain a seamless connection with ancestors & mutually assist each other. While alive, offering can nurture the spirit, soul, essence, and divine systems within, facilitating communication with beings across the six realms. This helps ancestors & generate support from them as well.

👨‍🏫 The red tablet in the Buddhist Hall receives blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the upper realms.

The living tablet in the Ancestral Hall helps in the growth of blessings, prosperity, & longevity obtained through offerings to the spirit, soul & divine system within.

👨‍🏫 Yes.

All filial descendants are welcomed to establish memorial tablets for ancestors as a token of gratitude for their blessings.

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