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All-Year Tablets

All-Year Tablets

Get your daily blessing and protection!

A dollar a day to offer refuge and appease your karmic creditors all year round!

We are thankful for Guru Zhang Bu Sheng to setup XuanLing Buddhist Shrine for us to receive daily blessing and protection to ride through our crisis safely.

  1. Set up spiritual liberation tablets at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Hall all year round
    There has been a significant amount of karmic debts in everyone’s DNA for endless lifetimes. These include karmic creditors from our parents of past seven lifetimes and ancestors of nine generations. These karmic creditors demand from us at all times, causing insomnia and discomfort to our family.If we don’t liberate and provide a stable environment for them, these karmic creditors will linger around us and cause us to bear too much karmic debts.By setting up a residence (a temporary hotel stay) for them at the shrine, they can receive daily Dharma blessings and being counseled to let go of their resentments. After setting up a tablet, you may feel lighter, more comfortable and at ease. Please perform spiritual liberation for them on a regular basis at our monthly pujas, may they ascend to pure land of ultimate bliss.Options: 1 month / 3 months / 6 months / 12 months
  2. Set up blessing tablets for the living at the Guan Yin Bodhisattva Hall all year round
    Harness blessings to quell disasters and suffering, a smooth sailing life, boundless wealth with the borrowed merits of Guan Yin. All your wishes shall be fulfilled!Please pay it forward and make your offerings when your wishes are granted as a token of appreciation.Options: 1 month /3 months / 6 months / 12 months
Benefits of Tablets:

John Lee

Agnes Lim, Singapore

I thought it wouldn’t happen to me but it did. My husband was diagnosed with Covid19 at the beginning of the pandemic. He was tested positive. I immediately went to my home altar to seek forgiveness and repentance for my family. Unfortunately, my elderly mother came to stay with me during this period. I was worried that the rest of our family members would suffer the same fate as my husband. A family of 6 with 1 in the hospital. My husband stayed in the ICU for 2 days. I rang up OOSS Origin of Self to see what else I could do to protect my family.

I was advised to setup the all-year tablets at the Buddhist Shrine to house our karmic creditors and participated in the Online Qing Ming Puja. My husband was in the hospital for a total of 11 days to battle with the virus. Together with my mum, we went to NCID for the swab test. During this period, I was under intense pressure.

Thankfully, my husband was discharged in March. Miraculously, our test results came out negative. The rest of us were sent by Ministry of Health (MOH) to take our blood for Covid19 research.

I’m very grateful for the blessings and I have a second chance to live. It is only when you had a brush with death, then you truly know what it means to live! I just signed up for my first 2 courses with OOSS on Meditation and Secrets of Life & Death as a gratitude gesture to thank Teacher and all Heavenly Masters for the blessings. I will work on myself first and soon I have a chance to lead my family to walk this path of evolution.

Kelly Ong

John Xu, Singapore

I'm thankful for the monthly pujas and prayer hall tablets to help my family navigate a potential crisis. I would like to share about my mother-in-law residing in China Zhengzhou. She had a narrow escape from death.

It was raining heavily that fateful day. She was nearly at the scene of the unfortunate flood event.

She was contemplating whether to take the underground MRT or board the bus for her next destination.

Thankfully, her direct bus came suddenly, and she boarded right away. We express our deepest gratitude to the heavenly masters for watching over my family.

With the monthly yellow and red tablets setup at the Buddhist Shrine, I believe this help my mother-in-law to escape the disaster.

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